
J. Rivkah Asoulin is an herbalist, holistic fertility consultant, women’s health educator, certified kallah teacher and balanit and the creator of JFAM (Jewish Fertility Awareness Method) who began her journey into Wise Woman Medicine over 25 years ago. It was at this time that, after years of unsuccessful medical treatment with specialists representing various facets of the western medical model, she crossed over into the world of Ancient Medicine and was able to self-diagnose and treat her women’s health issues with success. The wisdom gathered along the journey was the springboard for expanding her practice to help others. J. Rivkah is honored to help other women embrace their right and responsibility to take an empowered and active role in their healing. 

J. Rivkah is also the founder and executive director of Ancient Roots Israel, the first international herbal conference and community in Israel and is a professional actress, singer and director.