Natural Options for Halachic Infertility

* The following article first appeared on the Nishmat website in 2011 and is listed in the citations for this Harvard Divinity School article, published by the Cambridge University Press. We thank the kind folk at Nishmat for sharing the original article with us. The article has been updated and revised by the author. Natural Options …

Gender Selection

Being the great niece of world renowned Professor Joseph Stolkowski, whom I never met, is probably more than an irony. It’s genetics. Or chromosomes, which we are going to discuss here. First of all, I should say that I’ve never read my great uncles’s book Garçon ou fille? le choix par sélection préconceptionnelle. Namely because it …

The Roller Coaster

Who among women and couples who have experienced infertility can forget the monthly cycle of pain? Maybe you have been taking your temperatures orally or vaginally. Maybe you have been timing intercourse to correspond with day 14 of your cycle. Maybe you have spent an entire month (or many months!) on a special diet. Or …

Fertility Drugs

Today I received a call from a very gentle and kind spirit who had some questions about using my practice in conjunction with fertility treatments. She was not the first person to ask me this question. The answer is, sometimes I can work with whatever the fertility clinic is doing, but generally speaking I won’t …